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What they are

Australian Shepards was actually developed on ranches in the Western United States during the 19th century.  It is believed that they were developed from a breed or breeds that traveled from the Basque country in Western Europe to the Western United States with their sheep and shepherds.

Training, etc.

It is not at all difficult to train Toy Aussies!  My guys are easy and generally laid back.  They do love their exercise and play.  I do not find them as high maintenance as others have claimed.  I know from past experience with standard size Aussies that they, standard size Aussies, do require more space and can have a higher energy level like Border Collies.  I have owned Border Collies as well. 


My guys have made my life so much sweeter!  They are clean about their habits and are crate trained.  If we need to be away from them for a few hours they are happy in their crates with a chew bone.  My guys are not barkers.  They will bark to alert us, otherwise, they are quiet.  My Chihuahuas are the same.  I do spend a lot of time with my dogs and animals.  Aussie is like any other loving being, they simply want to be with you!   They can be fun, loving new sights and adventure.  They can be serious or a bit of a goof ball.  Whatever they are, they will always be fiercely loyal to the human(s) they love!

I feed my guys Natural Balance Synergy dog food.  They eat other foods like meats, liver (a great training tool), cheese and a few table scraps.  My chickens get most of the table scraps, I just love recycling!

This beautiful guy is standard size, is a Blue Merle, and displays his beautiful tail!  He is not mine, he is from Holland.  Isn't he glorious?


Food that They Need
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